This site has been created to expand and share on some of the insights that led to the writing of It's Monday Only in Your Mind: You Are Not Your Thoughts.

Posts tagged ‘#awareness #liberation #gratitude #desire #love #spirituality #freedom #attachment #meditation #energy #truth #Buddha #change #fear #mindfulness #unity #peace #Jesus #kindness #grace #humility #karma ’

Inner Turmoil

Inner turmoil arises from the need to question. Without discipline the mind that’s full of questions will never get satisfactory answers so you’ll have to look externally and experience constant turmoil…

Inner turmoil is ego based because they come from the Conditioned Mind. If you’re internally in turmoil with what’s written here, that arises from within you; words don’t cause turmoil. It doesn’t matter if you agree with this or not, just understand if there’s inner turmoil it comes from within you, not from what’s written. We love to blame others for our own self created turmoil. The only reason it’s even there is because of the lack of understanding of your own mind.

Nothing causes inner turmoil unless it’s allowed. If you can change something by all means change it. If it’s being changed just because you don’t like it, it needs to be looked at why there’s turmoil to begin with, because even if the thing is changed, you’ll just move onto the next thing that will cause you turmoil once again.

For me it has been through the practice of discipline that real answers have arisen. I can’t have anyone else’s answers because the one who questions is the one who has the answer. I don’t have your answer because I don’t have your question. Truth is the same for all beings, but how we come to its understanding is within ourselves. When one sits in stillness, revealed are answers. This is when inner turmoil with yourself and with the world will be no more…

Consequences/Part 1

When the energy of life is based to self-serve, likened consequences will be the result. You cannot be but what you are, but love energy also produces likened consequences…

Each of us has our own inner journey to discover the things in ourselves that will make life beneficial to ourselves and more so to others. We all use different things for this and there is no one way to accomplish this; though some ways are more beneficial than others. Obviously when something is done and it brings harm to another person there will be harsher consequences than if the action was based in love; even if you don’t get caught. I’m not one to say God is always watching so God knows, I don’t truly know that. But I do know I cannot hide from myself, and that is the one I have to answer to. I can lie to you, I can even lie to me, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences.

Understanding ourselves is our journey. When we do things that are of a self-serving nature, we along with others pay a price for that. Even if we don’t see the consequences for these self-serving actions, they are there. So many diseases have been linked to these self-serving actions, they just aren’t labeled in that way. Some who suffer from diabetes, cancer, depression, stress, anxiety, just to name a few can be linked to self-serving behavior in some way. This is not a belief, this is a medical fact. When one is of love suffering is at a minimum. It’s very important to develop awareness of this so there’s the possibility of going beyond the self-serving behavior. Tomorrow Part 2

Nature’s Laws

Nature’s Laws when adhered to allow harmony with life. Life doesn’t really ever do anything to you, but if you break Nature’s Laws it will not be natural and will certainly seem as it does…

Natural Laws are in place which when adhered to put you in harmony with life; they also offer protection against certain behavior. These laws when adhered to within their boundaries, allow for life to be lived to the fullest. The mind has to be open and free flowing for the adherence to these laws to take place. There are also man made laws that align to Nature’s Laws, but many of them are broken which blocks life from being as beneficial as it could be. The more adheres there is to selfish behavior the less chance there is to be in harmony with Nature’s Laws. When things are used and abused to satisfy self this blocks life from being natural. The animal realm adheres to Nature’s Laws and because of this there’s perfect balance. Unfortunately the human conditioning relies too much on the intellect and not enough on what occurs instinctively.

Life is lived in one of two ways, acting in ways that allows alignment to our Nature’s Laws or not. A quiet mind can see this and slowly stops doing the things that block Nature’s Laws from being adhered to. As long as one is alive life will be lived, but in what way determines the actions and consequences. Go thirty five mph in a twenty five mph zone and regardless if you get a speeding ticket or not, you will be out of harmony with the law in place. So take heed and understand life doesn’t really ever do anything to you, but if you break the law it will be unnatural and it will certainly seem as it does…

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