This site has been created to expand and share on some of the insights that led to the writing of It's Monday Only in Your Mind: You Are Not Your Thoughts.

Non Intellectual Love

When our human intellect is put before our heart, it blocks our connection to Universal Intelligence. When we do this, we think we’re more intelligent than that from which we were created.

Here is an example how our own mind has become the main deterrent in our freedom from our smaller self. There was a posted video I viewed on a friends FB page. It had to do with an elephant and a dog befriending each other. This took place on a compound for elephants and there were some stray dogs there. There were other elephants living there also, but they all befriended other elephants.

This video showed that these two animals, although different became best of friend, they did everything together. At one point the dog got sick and was recuperating in a building. The elephant was outside of where the dog was and would not move from the spot. The caretaker of the compound saw that the elephant wasn’t moving from this spot so the dog was brought outside where the elephant could see it. The dog could not walk because of its illness so it was carried outside. Both the demeanor of the dog and elephant changed drastically when they saw each other. They both became very excited.

This really touched me, it also demonstrated the love that is possible if the human intellect is taken out of the equation. You don’t have to look any further then your own life to see this. If you have ever said I just don’t like that person for no apparent reason, do you think this is from the head or the heart? Unlike humans the elephant and dog have no intellect in the sense that they reason things out. But I would have to say that these two animals demonstrated more intellect than most humans.

When our human intellect is put before our heart it blocks our connection to Universal Intelligence. We think we are more intelligent than the Universe. But how can we be more intelligent than that from which we were created? We can’t. When we learn to become quiet enough so this is understood, we will become as the elephant and the dog and allow our heart not our head to run our life.

By the way the dog had a full recovery and the relationship between the two resumed where it left off. There was even one part of the video where the elephant was scratching the dogs belly with its foot. Amazing what can happen when the human intellect is taken out of the picture and our heart is allowed to run the show.

Comments on: "Non Intellectual Love" (4)

  1. I absolutely loved this story, it was beautiful also. I’m going to pass it on to all of my friends. Thank you again. Debbie


  2. Don Moss said:


    Sent from my iPhone



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